
Kuringgai Kangaroo's Basketball Club

Become a Member

Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started


Your registration to play basketball is in 2 parts

Kuringgai Kangaroos Basketball Club Season Membership

Player, Coach, and Team Manager membership with KKBC is via our website.

As part of the membership sign up process we are asking each player to provide an indication of their skill levels.  Please use the information below as a guide for completing this section.

  • Lvl 1 - Introductory - Never played
  • Lvl 2 - Developing - Some basic experience
  • Lvl 3 - Proficient - Progressing to more advanced skill development
  • Lvl 4 - Advanced - Able to demonstrate advanced skills in game
  • Lvl 5 - Advanced - Representative player.

Association/BNSW Registration

Additionally and seperately,  once you have been placed in a KKBC team, all players, team managers, coaches, and administrators must register with the relevant association BNSW/Association registration details are here 

This registration includes your insurance and if you participate in any way without this it is entirely at your own risk.  


Coaches, and Team Managers, Administratiors and Volunteers are required to obtain and provide their Working With Children's Check number when registering.


Click here for details of

  1. KKBC fees payable
  2. How to pay your fees

Coaches, Team Managers, and Administrators

All Coaches, Managers, and Administrators are also required to register both with KKBC and BNSW.  

Coaches, Team Managers, and Administrators who register with KKBC is at no charge.

Registering with BNSW has a small charge and includes your insurance as a Coach, Manager or Administrator

If you know your team designation (Kxxx), please include this in the play with section.

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