
Kuringgai Kangaroo's Basketball Club


Kuringgai Kangaroos Basketball Club 2024 Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting

Published Mon 02 Sep 2024


Kuringgai Kangaroos Basketball Club 2024 Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting

22nd September, 2024

Venue: BlueGum Hotel

55 Pacific Highway (Corner of Unwin Rd), Waitara.


Special General Meeting


  1. Welcome by President and Acknowledgement of Country
  2. Update to KKBC constitutution 

Annual General Meeting




  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of minutes of 2022-2023 AGM
  3. Approval of minutes of 2024 SGM
  4. Presidents Report for 2023-24 year
  5. Treasurers Report for 2023-24 year
  6. Spill of positions and Election of KKBC Office bearers 

Positions on the KKBC Committee of Maangement are divided into 2 groups with terms lasting 2 years.  Elections are held for each group on an alternating basis.  This year, all positions in Election Group A become vacant and will become open for election.

There is also a casual vacancy in Election Group B for the position of Treasurer

ELECTION GROUP A vacancies - 2 year term.




Ordinary committee member 1 

Ordinary committee member 3 

Ordinary committee member 5 


At present there is also a casual vacancy for the position of
Secretary - Casual vacancy  - 1 year term
Any member who wishes to stand for a position on the KKBC Committee Of Management is to submit 
The nomination form for those wishing to stand for election is attached at the bottom of this news article.  Please return your form with required signatures to david.lane@kkbc.com.au
Pursuant to the KKBC Constitution, an extract from the relevant section is included below.   To see the full KKBC constitution please refer to the following link where it is including in the About section of our website KKBC CoM Documents
Extract from KKBC Constitution
15 Election of committee members 

(1) All office-bearers and ordinary committee member positions are held for 2  (two) years and will be subject to re-election when their ‘Election Group’ is  scheduled.  

(a) Election Group A 



Ordinary committee member 1 

Ordinary committee member 3 

Ordinary committee member 5 

(b) Election Group B 

Vice President 


Ordinary committee member 2 

Ordinary committee member 4 

(2 Nominations of candidates for election as office-bearers of the association or  as ordinary committee members:  

(a) must be made in writing, signed by 2 members of the association and  accompanied by the written consent of the candidate (which may be  endorsed on the form of the nomination), and 

(b) must be delivered to the secretary of the association at least 7 days  before the date fixed for the holding of the annual general meeting at  which the election is to take place. 

(3) If insufficient nominations are received to fill all vacancies on the committee,  the candidates nominated are taken to be elected and further nominations  are to be received at the annual general meeting. 

(4) If insufficient further nominations are received, any vacant positions  remaining on the committee are taken to be casual vacancies. 

(5) If the number of nominations received is equal to the number of vacancies to  be filled, the persons nominated are taken to be elected. 

(6) If the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies to  be filled, a ballot is to be held. 

(7) The ballot for the election of office-bearers and ordinary committee  members of the committee is to be conducted at the annual general meeting  in any usual and proper manner that the committee directs.

(8) A person nominated as a candidate for election as an office-bearer or as an  ordinary committee member of the association must be a member of the  association.


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